
Bathrooms in New York Travelling to New York for the first time in the 80s, I remember the bathrooms of Chinatown. Typically, I'd carefully descend a set of steep stairs, trying desperately not to touch the walls on either side. I'd open the washroom door with the cuff of my coat, hold my nose, and gingerly squat. While the days of disgusting washrooms in NYC are pretty much over--the cleanest washroom I used in NYC this trip was actually in Chinatown--their number hasn't increased to accommodate the number of Sunday afternoon pee-ers. This Sunday, after a brunch of Dim Sum, I walked through the Lower East Side to Tompkins Square where I have fond memories of staying with a friend of my ex's who lived just off the park. Back then, people made their homes in the Square. Today, the grassy bits are fenced off and you can buy organic vegetables from the green market there every weekend. Anyway, desperate for a bathroom after multiple cups of Jasmine tea, I found the Starbuck's north of the park. These days, Starbuck's can be relied on to provide a mediocre espresso and a clean washroom.Walking in, there was a small line up at the facilities. There was also one available table. I told myself that if the table was available after I exited the washroom, I would buy a coffee and read my book for a bit. I would use the facilities again before I left because--as we all know--coffee is a diuretic. I peed, found the table still free and secured it by boldly draping my leather jacket over the chair. I read a few chapters, and decided it was time to leave. As I was putting on my coat, one guy, then two got up to use the washroom as well. Then, a homeless gal walked in through the front door and beat us all to the punch. I was in a politically (in)correct situation. Tompkins Squre had provided shelter to the homeless. Now Starbuck's toilet--which I rely on as well for hassle-free facilities--was certainly going to be hi-jacked by the homeless gal. While the guys ahead of me complained about the length of time she was taking (she was going to be hours), I decided to hoof it to another Starbuck's and leave the lady in peace and the guys alone to stew in their disdain for the sans abri. There were two more Starbuck's on my walk back to Broadway, each with lineups longer than the last. I decided it would be faster and easier to take the subway two stops to Macy's and use the always clean, always available facilities there. Macy's provided the relief I needed. And I didn't buy a thing....

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